The Legend of Priscilla

Strange occurrences have led many to believe that the ghost of a former student, Priscilla, haunts the Residence


Every old building has a ghost… and in Baldwin’s case, it’s the infamous spirit of Priscilla. 

In my previous article, I discussed the rumored haunting of the Residence. Another one of the school’s best known rumors is the legend of Priscilla, a student who passed away back when Baldwin was still a boarding school. 

As the story goes, Priscilla was a music-loving student who sadly lost her life due to illness during her time at Baldwin. After her death, her friends renovated the student study room into a memorial, which then served as the handbells room, and is now Dr. Porges’s office. Some argue that the renovation of this room as a tribute to Priscilla may have attracted her spirit to Baldwin. 

According to the Director of Handbells, Mrs. Erb, Priscilla is most active in the performing arts classrooms, as she is “fond of music.” 

Mrs. Erb also recounted that the doors of the Bells room would open and close on their own accord. The Residence is old and drafty, which could very well be an non-supernatural explanation. However, Mrs. Erb said, “I like to think that it’s Priscilla letting us know she’s there, enjoying the music that she once loved as a student.”

Other students also reported strange occurrences in the handbells room. Flora Brigham ‘23 said that “two years ago, we had a lockdown drill and someone was laughing. Nobody claimed to do so.” 

This event suggests that Priscilla was present during the drill, and perhaps trying to make contact with the new generation of students through friendly laughter. 

However, some of Priscilla’s actions indicate a not-so peaceful presence coming from our school’s ghoul. 

One junior described the sound of banging that would often fill the bells room during her 8th grade classes. Izzy Thompson ‘23 said, “It sounded like someone was in [the walls], and it [the sound] would always fill the room with fear.” 

Thompson added that she felt the noise could be attributed to the old heating system, but even so, “It felt like someone was there trying to get to us.” 

Other bells students recount stories of footsteps coming from empty rooms and hallways surrounding the bells room. Sara Min ‘23 said, “The halls are always creaking around [the bells] room even when no one is walking in there.”

So, is Priscilla haunting the school? That’s up for you to decide. The cold chills, slamming doors, and strange noises all suggest that her spirit is still here, enjoying the music of the Residence. However, all of these events could also be attributed to the creaks and drafts of the old building. Thus, the legend of Priscilla remains unsolved.