Hot Take: The Bee Movie is Criminally Underrated

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The Bee Movie has everything a movie should have. A protagonist, unhappy with their set future, deciding to change the world? Check. An outrageous storyline and outstanding cast? Check. A moral that has you reconsidering all your choices and honey-purchasing practices? Check.

For those unfamiliar with The Bee Movie, it centers around Barry B. Benson, a humble bee who has just graduated college and realizes he has absolutely no interest in making honey for the rest of his life. He goes out into the world, discovers that humans harvest bees’ honey, and sues the human race. After winning his case, bees as a collective stop working, but as a result, the entire world starts to lose flowers and presumably, food. Barry soon realizes his mistake and then saves the world as an apology. 

The Bee Movie is moving and fundamentally inspiring. Barry not only defies the odds by winning a case against honey monopolies as only a tiny honey bee, but he also admits to his mistake and does everything in his power to remedy it. He is a role model for both children and adults alike.

The film gives a new perspective on how we get our food. It makes viewers reconsider buying food online or from grocery stores, where everything is packaged and pasteurized. We often forget to think about how it was made, where it came from, or the labor involved in the creation process. Our food has lost some of its value, as Barry points out perfectly. 

The Bee Movie may be almost as old as many students in the freshman class, but that does not mean that it has lost any of its relevance. It is a movie that is an abstract study of American society, all while being ridiculously funny.