Artist of the Issue: Sione Brown-Alexander ‘24
The singer talks songs, school, and the sisters that have shaped her life
Design, graphics, and photography by Trisha Yun ‘24
Baldwin student and singer Sione Brown-Alexander Brown-Alexander‘24
Sione Brown-Alexander ‘24 never “found out” that singing was her passion. Instead, it was a form of art that came naturally to her, having been exposed to it at just five years old. She grew up singing alongside her two older sisters Soleil and Sarai in their childhood musical group, Little Big Sister.
Now, over a decade later, she has pursued this path of music, driven by her ability to connect people to music through her singing skills. She said, “You can change a life with just the tune of a song. Somebody can connect with music so easily.”
Brown-Alexander’s ongoing interest in music is displayed through her participation in the B-Flats, a select vocal ensemble offered at Baldwin. Being a part of the B-Flats has given Brown-Alexander a chance to harmonize with a “tight-knit community,” where everyone’s voices are “flavorful in [their] own ways.”
In addition to sharing her remarkable talent through the B-Flats, the family band that first sparked Brown-Alexander’s passion for singing remains central to her musical life. Little Big Sister has accomplished great things through many years of practice. From singing daily in their basement to being offered the opportunity to perform onstage for Nickelodeon’s America’s Most Musical Family, it is evident that Little Big Sister’s dedication to singing is reflected in their hard work and success.
In addition to her own relationship with music, Brown-Alexander strives to help others connect to music in the same way she has. She and her sisters founded a nonprofit organization called the Sarai Soleil Sioné Brown-Alexander Foundation (SSSBA), which provides access to live music and music mentorship to get others involved in musical expression. In addition, in 2016, the sisters founded the Limitless Music Festival, a free musical platform which aims to help young, aspiring artists share their artistic abilities.
Brown-Alexander said, “We get to inspire and mentor youths around Philadelphia and give them an outlet, an opportunity to come and sing and share their gifts with others just like us… It’s amazing.”
Overall, singing has left an indelible mark on Brown-Alexander’s life. It has shaped her into the performer she is today, and it remains a significant piece of Brown-Alexander that isn’t going anywhere.
She said, “Everybody has their own values and their own drives in life. One of mine is music, and it keeps me going every day.”