The Seniors’ Advice

What the seniors wish they knew throughout high school — and what they’ve learned from four years of tears, laughter, struggle, and growth.

Photography by Sophia Ran ’23

Baldwin seniors pose with friends as they head into their last semester together

“Nothing is that deep. Whether that’s in sports, a grade on a test, or social, nothing is that deep. It all works in the end. What’s meant to be will be.” 

– Christa Kay


Never doubt yourself. You are put in one of the most competitive academic environments in the area and it is easy to get caught up in external and internal pressure. Even when you feel as though you aren’t exceeding your expectations, be kind to yourself… Work hard for you, not for anyone else.” 

– Lauren Brown


“Don’t stress it. High school is about learning how to be a real person. Finding communities and passions within Baldwin can also be super helpful as you navigate the stress of high school. Learn to be present and appreciative of all the things that are going right…. learning to recognize and appreciate good health, a close friendship, or an activity you love can totally change your mindset and make things a lot more enjoyable. “ 

– Julie Brose


“If you have multiple interests, try to look for a program/school where you’ll be able to combine them! You’ll be surprised at all the options out there.” 

– Emily Zhang


“Don’t stress… you’re human and you need breaks and can’t always do everything like a machine… you tend to do everything anyone asks and more. Sometimes things can be too much and that’s okay. So, enjoy your high school days and learn that what you are and what you give is enough, and others will think that as well.” 

Arietty Martin


“It doesn’t hurt to ask for help — academic help, emotional help, or anything. You’ll be more successful if you advocate for yourself. You’re going to be okay.” 

– Aida Haile


“Join any clubs that you’re interested in; do anything you want to do before senior year. “ 

– Betti Pang


“Try to branch out and make as many friends as you can — you’ll have friends in one grade and other friends in another. You’ll have connections inside and outside of high school.” 

– Yemale Febres


“Take all the classes that are available to you, even if you’re not sure if you’ll like it. It’s worth it in the end. “ 

– Izzy Thompson


“You can’t write an essay in one night … Also, just remember that having some off-screen time is great for your eyes. Schoolwork is not worth wrecking your eyes over.” 

– Eri Maeda